Nevada Fire Chiefs Association Events


Webinar: Update from OSHA on the Proposed Emergency Response Standard

On February 5, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) published the proposed new Emergency Response Standard, and the public has until June 21 to provide comments. If adopted as is, this proposed standard would bring immense challenges to volunteer departments, and some may even be forced to shut down. It is important that the volunteer fire and emergency service understand how this rule would impact them and provide their comments to OSHA before June 21. This NVFC presentation will allow you to hear directly from OSHA staff about how volunteers would be impacted by this standard and what you can do to make your voice heard.

Virtual | Zoom, VirtualMore Information
19 - 22

Nevada State Firefighters Association Annual Conference

The Annual Conference is an opportunity for Nevada’s First Responder community to reunite with old friends, meet new ones, build camaraderie, share ideas, participate in top notch training, and raise money to support the various funds and scholarships provided by the NSFA.

Lovelock, NVMore Information

NFCA Roundtable Meeting

Lovelock, NVMore Information
23 - 25

FireShows West

As one of the longest running and respected fire service training conferences and expos on the West coast, we are grateful to have the continued support of our attendees, instructors, and exhibitors. FireShowsWest has always been passionate about offering firefighters and first responders an excellent training opportunity that blends classroom and hands-on sessions together by inviting an outstanding cadre of highly qualified instructors who passionately share their knowledge. Attendees also have direct contact with suppliers providing cutting edge tools, equipment and services with knowledgeable representatives to answer any questions.

Grand Sierra Resort | Reno, NVMore Information
07 - 10

Public Safety Broadband Technology Association

The Vision 2024 Summit is a FirstNet users and eligible users conference with a mission to ensure every organization and person involved in safety, security, emergency, and crisis response has the tools, technology, and knowledge that they need to keep themselves and their communities safe.

All-New Sahara | Las Vegas, NVMore Information
08 - 09

NFCA Annual Roundtable Conference

More informatin coming soon.

TBD | Las Vegas , NVMore Information